Apply today

15 April 2023 08:00-17:00Epicenter

What is Kids Hack Day?

Kids Hack Day is a series of global and free-of-charge tech events for kids and families run by a network of chapter organizers in different cities around the world. 

When we talk about hacking we are referring to the creative process of taking something that is, making it do something it was not originally intended to do and then sharing it with the world. 

What am I signing up to?

As a volunteer at the next Kids Hack Day Stockholm you are signing up to assist at our different stations during the event day 8 am - 5 pm (the kids and their family members are there between 10 am and 4 pm) on the 15th of April. Tasks can for instance include assisting at the check-in counter, show them around, selling coffee and instructing them at one of our hack stations.

As volunteer you will also help prepare the venue the night before (preliminary we have access to the venue between 3 pm to 8 pm on the 14th of April). Note that we will prioritize volunteers that can attend on this day. If you don't participate you will be assigned to an easier station, that requires less preperation.

The event will be held at Epicenter in central Stockholm. Lunch is included for all volunteers. The event will be held in English and Swedish, so preferably you know both.

Below is a video from a previous Kids Hack Day Stockholm event that gives you a rough idea for what the event will be about.

Event Stations (more stations coming...)

Free building with craft material and Strawbees

Robot kits & charging station for making scrap robots

Programming station (program your robot + imagiCharm)

Laserutting necklaces & signs with BEAMO

Crafts & Design


    Julia Söderberg